I REMEMBER the hyperbole as if it was yesterday. Gorytus. Two runs. Two wins. But they weren’t just wins. In those juvenile races he massacred the opposition in a way that caused him to be hailed as some sort of Pegasus. This, according to the racing world, was a wonder horse like we had never …[Read More]
Channel 4: don’t lose the humour
I FEEL like the Channel 4 Racing team have become close pals of mine over the past 28 years. We have spent a lot of time together. Me sitting on the couch watching them do their stuff on Saturday afternoons and, in particular, during the big midweek meetings. I’ve watched John Francome and John McCririck …[Read More]
RIP Go Ballistic: a wonderful warrior
ONE of the beauties of racing is the way that some horses just seem to go on forever. Season after season they stretch every sinew in the quest for glory. Take Kauto Star: I can’t quite imagine national hunt racing without him. One horse who fell into this category was the wonderful warrior Go Ballistic. …[Read More]