Ten horses to follow for 2016/17 jumps season

I LOVE autumn. Change is in the air. From green to brown, from sun to rain and from flat to jumps. October is the month where dreams begin to form for starry-eyed National Hunt owners, trainers and jockeys. Chepstow’s two-day meeting kick-started the jumps season last weekend with potential stars Ballyoptic, Rock The Kasbah and …[Read More]

Daily Dabble February 18

A COUPLE of shorties to start with today. ROCKING BLUES (1.55 Kelso) won with plenty in hand at Ayr last time; in fact it was an absolute stroll. He has been raised 10lb but should be able to follow up. He handles heavy ground well and as long as he doesn’t clout too many fences, …[Read More]